Helmsing, M. E., & Varga, B. A. (2024). Enactments of posthumanist historical thinking (PHT): Traversing the limits of history education. Oregon Journal of Social Studies, 12(1), 54-63.
Varga, B. A., & Adams, E. C. (2023). Theorizing mimesis across social studies contexts of mimicry, imitation, and simulation. Theory & Research in Social Education. Advanced online publication.
Varga, B. A., & Ender, T. (2023). Wu-Tang for the children: Swarming elsewhere for (re)imaginings of community, theory, & praxis. Equity, Excellence, & Education, 56(3), 395-408.
Varga, B. A., & Shear, S. B. (2022). (Re)configurations and emplotments of more-than-witness(es/ing) in the an(thropo/glo)cene. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 21(2), 154-175.
Varga, B. A., & Adams, E. C. (2022). D032 n07 c0mpu73: Exploring (post)human bodies and worlds with/in droidial(ity) and narrative contexts. Journal of Childhood Studies, 47(1), 70-87.
Varga, B. A., & Helmsing, M. E. (2022). Death, loss, and remembrance across cultures: A role for folklore in education. Journal of Folklore and Education, 9, 1-191.
Varga, B. A., Saleh, M., & van Kessel, C. (2021). Echoes of terror(ism): International contemplations and reflections of 9/11. Canadian Social Studies, 52(2), 1-109.
van Kessel, C., Varga, B. A., & Manriquez, J. D. (2024). (Con)spirituality as a curriculum of immortality. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 1-17.
Varga, B. A. (2024). Posthuman figurations and hauntological graspings of historical consciousness/thinking through (re)photography. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 37(3), 785-815.
Varga, B. A., Helmsing, M. E., van Kessel, C., & Christ, R. C. (2023). Theorizing necropolitics in social studies education. Theory & Research in Social Education, 51(1), 47-71.
Varga, B. A., Helmsing, M. E., van Kessel, C., & Christ, R. C. (2022). Snatching bodies, snatching history/ies: Exhuming the insidious plundering of Black cemeteries as a curriculum of postmortem racism. Equity & Excellence in Education, 55(3), 283-295.
Varga, B. A., & van Kessel, C. (2021). Ma(r)king the unthinkable: Cultural and existential engagements of extreme historical violence. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 36(2), 16-31.
Varga, B. A., & Monreal, T. (2021). (Re)opening closed/ness: Hauntological engagements with historical markers in the threshold of mastery. Taboo, 20(3), 80-97.
Varga, B. A., van Kessel, C., Helmsing, M. E., & Christ, R. C. (2021). Hello from the other side: Breathing life into death and grief with/in the context of social studies education. Iowa Journal for the Social Studies, 29(2), 8-29.
Varga, B. A., & Franklin-Phipps, A. (forthcoming). Inquiring artlessly: Encounter(ing)s with monstrous materialities and ecological pollutants. Qualitative Inquiry.
Franklin-Phipps, A., & Varga, B. A. (2024). Bear(ing) down: Encountering posthuman critical media studies through the (re)tracing of object and embodiment. Journal of Posthumanism, 4(3), 205-216.
Saleh, M., & Varga, B. A., (2023). Embodiment and flows of kinship: Ma(r)king curriculum through material abstractness and counter-cartographies. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, 14(2), 115-128.
Varga, B. A., & Agosto, V. (2023). A constellation of (artistic) voices: Assembling historically provocative artwork and (e)merging racial perceptions. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 20(2), 142-159.
Varga, B. A., Agosto, V., & Maguregui, J. (2021). Material counter-cartographies: (Un)mapping (in)justice, spatial wounding, and abstract reticulations. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 34(9), 830-842.
Varga, B. A., & Agosto, V. (2020). Unveiling race/ism and white(ness) supremacy through historiartgraphy. In A. M. Hawkman & S. B. Shear (Eds.), Marking the invisible: Articulating whiteness in social studies education and research (pp. 299-326). Information Age Publishing.
Varga, B. A., & Adams, E. C. (2024). Friendships without friendships: Traversing the contours of relationality through reading/writing. International Review of Qualitative Research. Advance online publication.
Varga, B. A., & van Kessel, C. (2023). Material and affective (re)shapings within unspeakable/uninterrupted territories of violence. Journal Of Curriculum Theorizing, 38(2), 48-64.
Varga, B. A., & Burke, K. J. (2022). “I’m a fellow traveler on a religious journey”: A conversation with Kevin J. Burke. Journal of Folklore and Education, 9, 41-49.
Jacobs, N., van Kessel, C., Varga, B. A. (2021). Disrupting rigid thinking with students in worldview threat: Existential considerations and implications. Taboo, 20(1), 51-65.
Varga, B. A., & Adams, E. C. (2024). Refusing to remain unseen: Excavating ecologies of devastation, plunderage, and precarity. Ecokritike, 1(2), 85-195.
Adams, E. C., & Varga, B. A. (2024). The dirtiness of clean/green: Unearthing settler logics that sustain spatial woundings in the (antrhop/capital)ocene. Journal of Environmental Education, 55(2), 91-101.
Varga, B. A., & Adams, E. C. (2022). Metallurgic matter(ing)s: Mirrored Mandalorian metal-scapes, mining(s), and mimesis. Journal of Posthumanism, 2(2), 167-179.
Adams, E. C., & Varga, B. A. (2022). Min(e)d your metals: Inquires into the environmental impact of extraction. The Geography Teacher, 20(1), 23-28.
Varga, B.A. (forthcoming). Rusting matters: Aesthetic utterances of un/becoming.
Adams, E. C., & Varga, B. A. (Eds.) (forthcoming). Spatially wounded: Kaleidoscopic entanglements of mining, metals, & extractions.
Varga, B. A. (Ed.) (forthcoming). Hauntological social studies: More-than-human deviances, imbrications, and proliferations of possibility. Springer.
Varga, B. A. & Adams, E. C. (Eds.) (2024). The theory-story reader for social studies education. Teachers College Press.
Varga, B. A., Monreal, T., & Christ, R. C. (Eds.) (2023). Toward a stranger and more posthuman social studies. Teachers College Press.